
Electronic Software Distribution


Zen PSQL Embedded Database PSQL v13 SP1

Zen PSQL v13 SP1

PSQL v13 SP1 | Release

Zen PSQL v13 SP1 (13.10)
PSQL Linux Server x86 64-bit RPM

PSQL-13.10-037.000.x86_64.rpm (91 MB)

PSQL Linux Server x86 64-bit TAR

PSQL-linux-13.10-037.000.x86_64.tar.gz (106 MB)

PSQL Linux Server ARM 64-bit TAR

PSQL-linux-13.10-037.000.aarch64.tar.gz (64 MB)

PSQL Linux Vx Server x86 64-bit RPM

PSQL-Vx-13.10-037.000.x86_64.rpm (91 MB)

PSQL Linux Vx Server x86 64-bit TAR

PSQL-Vx-linux-13.10-037.000.x86_64.tar.gz (106 MB)

PSQL Linux Vx Server ARM 64-bit TAR

PSQL-Vx-linux-13.10-037.000.aarch64.tar.gz (64 MB)

PSQL Linux Client x86 64-bit RPM

PSQL-Client-13.10-037.000.x86_64.rpm (86 MB)

PSQL Linux Client x86 64-bit TAR

PSQL-Client-linux-13.10-037.000.x86_64.tar.gz (99 MB)

PSQL Linux Client ARM 64-bit TAR

PSQL-Client-linux-13.10-037.000.aarch64.tar.gz (37 MB)

Zen/PSQL v13 SP1 Readme

readme_psql.htm (182 KB)

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Actian Zen (PSQL) Licensing questions and support can be found on this page, Actian Zen & PSQL Licensing Support

Questions, Feedback (how can we improve) on the Actian Customer Portal? Reach us at 1 (888) 446-4737 | or email the Community Administrator

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