
Electronic Software Distribution


Ingres Licensing Utilities

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lichostinfo is a utility that generates the host information required to correctly license Ingres and should be run on each host on which Ingres will be installed.

cilicchk is a utility that validates and reports the contents of an Ingres license.xml file.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product.

ingres-hp-hpux-ia64-32-64bit-license_util.tar.Z (1 MB)

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Actian Zen (PSQL) Licensing questions and support can be found on this page, Actian Zen & PSQL Licensing Support

Questions, Feedback (how can we improve) on the Actian Customer Portal? Reach us at 1 (888) 446-4737 | or email the Community Administrator

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