Ingres 9.2
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Community editions of Ingres Database are available here.
Patch #: 13918
Each patch contains a cumulative set of fixes produced since the last Service Pack or Release, whichever is the later, and hence includes all fixes previously issued. It can only be applied on to that specific version (e.g. 9.2). The patch has undergone Actian internal engineering tests, is fully supported by Actian but has not undergone the full QA test suite which is run for both full releases and Service Packs. Please also note that if you require patches for more than one platform the bugs fixed content may vary between platforms though Service Packs for any release will include the same fixes for all platforms.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license agreement included with the product.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license agreement included with the product.
*IMPORTANT – Your ATTENTION is required*
This patch contains a change in behaviour for parallel queries. The documented behaviour was not being performed. This patch, and all later patches, resolves this but requires your attention immediately after applying for the first time a patch that includes this change in behaviour. Ref Bug 120482 . Please refer to Knowledge Base document 419310 for an explanation of this situation.
For information the first patch on this platform that resolved the issue was 13881.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product.
This patch contains a change in behaviour for parallel queries. The documented behaviour was not being performed. This patch, and all later patches, resolves this but requires your attention immediately after applying for the first time a patch that includes this change in behaviour. Ref Bug 120482 . Please refer to Knowledge Base document 419310 for an explanation of this situation.
For information the first patch on this platform that resolved the issue was 13881.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product. (130 MB)